If you experience web pages that are slow to open and downloads that transfer slowly, physical problems with the cable lines or network issues may be the cause. Use the troubleshooting steps below to correct an issue with a slow internet connection. 1 Reboot your network using the following steps.

How To Fix Airtel Slow Internet Connection - Techlug To Fix Airtel Slow Internet Connection On PC (Using Modem). Open your modem network app to connect After connected, click on Tools in the top menu Click on Options > Network Type, you will see the network type settings and registration mode, now change the network type to WCDMA only. [Responded] VERY SLOW INTERNET CONNECTION | Rain Internet Jul 20, 2020

[Solved] Slow Internet Speed on one computer windows 10

Sick of slow internet? How to check you’re getting what 1 day ago · We all know the pain of “slow” internet: videos buffer, downloads take ages, and a single page can take forever to load. We wonder whether it’s our browser, our device, or the website we Internet connection very slow | Tech Support

6 ways to boost your phone’s slow data connection and poor signal strength. Now, more than ever, we need our phones to have a reliable cellular connection.

Jun 27, 2020